Monday, August 8, 2011


Mr. A turned 4! I just can not believe how fast time flies! I remember it taking FOR-EV-ER to turn 13! Once I hit 25, the years just started flying by. I have to actually think about my age now. 34 sounds so strange. And Mr. A turning 4 is even stranger! Quick, somebody stop the clock for awhile!

I Just Can't Choose!

Well, if you read this blog you know that I take pictures for this family...often. They LOVE pictures. Their house is full of memories hanging on the walls and posted in frames that are tucked into little corners. And they are updated regularly, too! I took big A's 2 year photos last year (one of my first blog posts!) and now it was time for his 3 year photo shoot. It coincided with little A's 9 month photo shoot so we did a double. There were just too many to choose from!