Saturday, March 31, 2012

Isaac is 3!!

Happy birthday, big boy! Mr. Isaac seems so much older than 3! Maybe because he has an older sister who is 5 or maybe because he has a younger baby brother. No doubt about it, though, he is an active young man. He had me running! I think I did a good job of keeping up and capturing a snapshot of what he does in a day. No wonder his mom is so skinny! :) Ha! I'm looking forward to when baby brother is a tad older to capture more sweet sibling shots. For now, I leave you with a classic Isaac look.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Fleeting Moments

Caden 3 Months

For as sweet as baby Caden is, he has the heart of a warrior! He came into this world with an obstacle that most babies will never know, conquered it, dusted himself off (!) and was right back to being a newborn in no time! :) It's funny how when life looks you square in the eye, all of a sudden slowing down to appreciate the small things, is all that you want to do. It's how a baby's mouth opens ever so slightly when they sleep, it's the roll on the back of their thigh, the little lines on their knuckles, how a baby gazes at their parent, the love of a sibling and of course their tiny feet! You can never get enough of baby toes! At least me, anyway. My idea of what images to "frame" these days has changed. I still love the idea of the school photo to compare the change that one year brings, but my heart has been drawn to tiny moments that you have to squint to remember. That is what I want to frame.