Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Twelve Months.

Twelve months came and went! I have taken this little guy's photos every month for the last year on or very close to his actual birthday. Every photo shoot I have learned something new. Sometimes it was a technical aspect of photography. Sometimes it was a creative element that I had never tried before (I am going to run it by his mom if she would mind if I showed some of our "Day in the Life" shoot. VERY CUTE!). The family is always up for anything...we just might have to keep this up for one more year, because we still have so many ideas!

Nolan 1 Year

Seriously? A year? My goodness time flies! Well, there were some very long, sleepless nights....don't get me wrong...but, it seems that it went by so quickly! I think that that is God's way....to make the sleepless nights go by the wayside when you look at that sweet face that is your CHILD, your LOVE. Thank you God for blessing me with 2 beautiful sons and making my heart bigger than I ever thought possible!

Oh, did I mention how HARD it is to photograph my Nolie Bear? If he is not perfectly rested he has dark under eye circles that make him look, well, not like a sweet cherub baby! Honestly, his baby book is lacking. I know that sounds terrible, but he should have SLEPT MORE! :)

These may not be the most technically sound pics, but I was so excited to capture his joyous self!

Catching Up.

Well, it seems I have some shoots that have not been posted. This is one of them. I actually took this little guys 3 month photos back in July and got a call back to do his 6 month photos and his cousins 1 year photos! We battled runny noses and nap times, but I think that we got some great pics. They are 6 months apart, but I think the little guy is going to be bigger than her sooner rather than later!