Seriously? A year? My goodness time flies! Well, there were some very long, sleepless nights....don't get me wrong...but, it seems that it went by so quickly! I think that that is God's way....to make the sleepless nights go by the wayside when you look at that sweet face that is your CHILD, your LOVE. Thank you God for blessing me with 2 beautiful sons and making my heart bigger than I ever thought possible!
Oh, did I mention how HARD it is to photograph my Nolie Bear? If he is not perfectly rested he has dark under eye circles that make him look, well, not like a sweet cherub baby! Honestly, his baby book is lacking. I know that sounds terrible, but he should have SLEPT MORE! :)
These may not be the most technically sound pics, but I was so excited to capture his joyous self!
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